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Student Council

Advisor: Ms. McKnight

Are you interested in applying for an officer position on the Student Council?

If you are in 11th or 12th Grade there are 3 things you need to do before Friday, August 30, 2024. Elections will be held the week of 9/3/24 - the specific date will be posted once the schedule is completed.

Fill out this Google Form  by 8/30/24. (if you did not fill it out in the Spring)
  1. Fill out and get signatures for the Student Council Officer Election Permission Slip 2024-2025 and bring it to the library by 8/30/24.. Click here to copy the form.

  2. Write a speech and drop off at the library by 8/30/24. Candidates for student council president/vice president will be expected to give a brief (3 minute) speech to  the members of the Junior and Senior class expressing your plans and qualifications. The vice president should be included in the speech and should include how both candidates will work together. Candidates for Student Council president/vice president will deliver their speech to the Senior and Junior class. Additionally, any candidate for a contested position (i.e. if there are two people running for secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian, or social media director) will have the opportunity to speak. All speeches need to be written down and submitted to Mrs. McKnight for approval by August 30, 2024.

For more information about the Student Council positions and responsibilities, click here.