Library Check Out Rules & Fees
Library Rules
Be considerate of others who are working
Use a quiet voice
No food or drinks
Appropriate language only
When others are waiting, limit the time you spend on electronic and online resources
Show care when using all library resources
The Library is the place to read, research, study, or find a book
The Library is not to be used as a social gathering place
Library Dont's
No gum, candy, food, or drink is allowed in the Library.
No cell phones and/or electronics may be used in the Library during the school day.
No musical devices with or without headphones may be used in the Library during the school day.
Library Passes
Students not accompanied by a teacher need to:
Lunch Period Passes
Students wishing to use the Library for only part of the period, need to obtain a Library pass from the Library staff prior to the beginning of the lunch period.
Students will eat lunch first and then come to the Library for the remainder of the period.
Library passes will not be given out in the lunchroom.
Lunch Periods When No Pass Is Needed
Please note: The Library is Closed during 2nd Lunch unless otherwise announced.
Internet / Computer Use
No mailing, chatting, game playing, downloading, objectionable websites, streaming video, or non-related school usage.
One student per computer.
Checking Out Library Books
Library Beautification
Students should return any books that were used while in the Library to the small cart outside of Mrs. McKnight's office.
Students should throw away all trash, push in their chairs, and return any borrowed items to the circulation desk.
School Rules and the Library
The Library is not a social gathering place. It is a place to read, research, study, and find a good book.
Students need to remember that all other school rules are in effect while visiting the Library.
Students violating the above rules may be asked to leave the Library and/or restricted from using the Library, other than when accompanied by a teacher, for a designated period of time.